We have been busy little scientists lately as we learn about the three states of matter.
Here are a few of my latest photo and video captures!  You can click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image with caption/explanation.  Enjoy!
Listen as we sing about the three states of matter and their properties!
Today was incredibly moving and powerful for all of us in the Frog Room.

We spent our morning studying, honoring, and remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the impact that he had on history, and our current reality.  It was so beautiful to hear the students' reactions as I read from multiple accounts of MLK Jr.'s life this morning.  Many of these children were just hearing about racism, slavery, and Civil Rights for the first time.

 Here are a few of the quotes that I recorded:

 "Why would anyone think that people were different because of their skin color?  That is NOT filling a bucket!"
"How could anyone be so mean?  Why didn't their parents stop them?"
"Dr. King sure would be proud of our classroom!  We have lots of colors!"
"My family has people with light skin and people with dark skin and we all love each other"
"My family is white and my dog even has brown fur!"
"I don't even know what color skin people have.  I just don't care."

After recess, I led the kids through an activity where we used adjectives to describe a white egg and a brown egg.  We drew from our recent science unit on sorting and classifying objects and we came up with some great descriptive words for each egg.  As our list grew and we began recording our words, we realized that almost every single adjective for the two eggs was the same; the only word that was different was the color.  After stretching the similarities out for a while (in typical first grade teacher fashion!)  I invited two children to come up to the tech cart and help me crack the eggs while the rest of the class watched on the Smart Board.  I swear, you could have heard a pin drop in the classroom -- the children were captivated!  When both eggs cracked open, there was a single, unanimous gasp from the crowd.  We all turned back to our chart paper immediately and recorded our observation: the white egg and the brown egg are the same on the inside!  Out of the mouths of babes...

Our poem for the week is titled "Martin Luther King, Jr."  As I listen to the children recite it  (with passion and from memory) in the video below, I can't help but picture it bringing a smile to the face of the man who impacted our country, and now our classroom, so deeply. 
Thank you for allowing me to journey with your precious children today.  They continue to
teach me so much.
Today we decided to perform our poem of the week...

The kids couldn't wait to share this with you, so please leave a comment when you view the video and we will read them all in class!
Have a great weekend!