As you know, book orders are some of my favorite things in life! Several different book orders have been sent home in your child’s home-to-school folder every month, and many of you have taken advantage of these great deals.  Scholastic offers incredible books and reading resources at very reasonable prices.

As you also know, my husband and I are in the process of adopting a baby boy from Ghana, West Africa!  We have recently solidified plans to take our first trip to spend time with him in the orphanage, and we will be leaving the week of Thanksgiving (more details coming soon!)

The orphanage houses 70 children, ages 3-23, and allows them access to affordable education through a private school right on the campus.  The school has a small library that was donated by missionaries who visited in 2003, but they have not received significant donations since then.  The 300+ students are in desperate need of new books for all ages and reading levels.  This is where our class comes in!

The Scholastic Holiday book orders are coming home in your child's folder today; please look them over and consider any books that you might like to add to your family’s library.  This time, I will be donating ALL bonus points (based on the dollar amount of our class total) and ALL free classroom book picks (1 book per family who orders online) to the orphanage.  I will choose books that are basic and appropriate for all levels and will hand deliver them to the children when I go in November.

You can view the catalogs, submit, and pay for your order online by clicking on the image below.  Please be sure to enter our class activation code: GZ7YQ.   Your family will also receive 1 free book pick (to be used on your next order) when you submit you order online.   

November/Holiday book orders are DUE ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2!

Thank you so much for sharing and spreading the joy of reading!

Jessica Underhill
10/21/2012 03:00:25 am

Thank you Mrs. Nelson for creating a wish list on the scholastic website!


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