Please steal a special moment this week to curl up with your soon-to-be second grader and share the following video together.  The song captures my wish for each child perfectly, and I had a blast sifting through pictures that span the entire year!  They have grown so much!

Thank you, again, for making this year such a great one.  We all had a wonderful last day of school yesterday and I am absolutely blown away by the generosity you showed through your hugs, cards, and thoughtful gifts.  Thank you and keep in touch!
Lori Walsh
6/7/2012 05:11:53 am

Thank you for posting this! And thank you for a great year!!! You have been such a blessing in our lives! Have a great summer!

Tracy Lovell
6/12/2012 10:10:38 am

What a great year!! I'm so glad Parker had such a warm and caring 1st grade teacher!! The video is amazing! Thank you so much!!
The Lovells

Jennifer Cousins
7/2/2012 06:21:04 am

Wow! It almost brings tears to my eyes to watch this. Owen had such a growing year in your class. The kids are all so caring of one another. Thank you for putting this together!


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