
October is halfway over, and that means that Halloween is almost here!  In first grade, we always have fun celebrating Halloween in a joyful and non-spooky way.  Please keep reading for important dates that are coming soon!

Friday, October 26: New Groningen Penny Carnival and Class Halloween Party
The Penny Carnival is an NG tradition that has been going on for over 20 years!  After lunch on this day, the kids come back to the classroom to change into their Halloween costumes (we recommend simple costumes that they can put on themselves!) Then from 1-2 pm, the 3rd-5th grade classes will run carnival games in the Anchor for the K-2nd grade classes.  Students will need to bring in a baggie of pennies in order to play the games, and we will make fun sacks in class to use to collect the goodies that they win!  Parents are invited and encouraged to attend this fun event!

After the Penny Carnival, all students will head outside for afternoon recess.  At 2:30, we will meet back in the Frog Room for our class Halloween Party!  Jessica Underhill and Kristie DiLaura, our fabulous room moms, have planned the entire party and have created a sign up sheet for those of you who would like to get involved.  You can click on the link below to view the list of requested items and sign up to donate something.  We are also in need of 3 parent helpers from 2-3:30 pm on Friday; you can sign up for that by following the link as well.


Wednesday, October 31: Pumpkin Day!
Because you really can't trick a 6 year old into believing that Halloween is over after Friday's festivities, we've decided to stretch out the fun...but in a more academic way!  Halloween day will be "Pumpkin Day" in the Frog Room.  We will incorporate fun pumpkin activities into our typical Reading and Writing Workshop routines in the morning, and we will spend the afternoon doing "Pumpkin Math!"  We will be conducting a variety of investigations (involving measuring, weighing, counting, making predictions, graphing, etc) with real pumpkins during this time.  We will end the day by carving our pumpkins and enjoying a special snack that we'll make together in the crockpot!  

We will need 5 parent volunteers to help with this event.  If you are able to come in and lead a group through their Pumpkin Math investigations from 2:30-3:30 pm, please fill in the form below ASAP.  I will confirm with the first 5 volunteers that I hear from.


Jessica Underhill
10/21/2012 03:03:22 am

As of Sunday, Oct 21 - there are still a few items needed for our Halloween celebration. Please sign up for them if you can.


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