We have been learning about personal narratives during Writing Workshop and the kids are doing a great job!  Each child has written at least two stories so far, and many are working on their 3rd or 4th!  Many of our topics have come from books that we've read together (Mentor Texts) and it's been fascinating to see the connections and listen to the kids' stories about their own lives. 

As the school year comes to a close, we are focusing on completing each step of the writing process -- including editing/revising and publishing.  Once a student finishes a piece of writing, he/she completes the following steps:

1. Read it to Mrs. Nelson then edit and revise it (for content and conventions) together
2. Make some of the suggested "fix ups" independently
3. Read it to Mrs. Nelson or a friend/classroom helper again
4. Get a final copy book and re-write the story with excellent handwriting then work on adding illustrations
5. Find a quiet place around the room to read the finished product out loud and begin thinking about how it sounds to the audience while also working on fluent reading
6. Read the story to the class* and record on the iPad
7. Place the final copy of the story/book in the "Mrs. Nelson's Favorites" box for classmates to check out and re-read during read-to-self!

*When a child reads his/her story to the class, we all practice being respectful listeners and then provide the author with "three stars and a wish."  The author gets to call on three students to offer compliments on the piece and 1 student to give a helpful suggestion for next time. 

Here is Anna reading her personal narrative, A Time I Was Scared.  Enjoy!

To hear more recently published personal narratives, head over to the "Recently Published Authors" tab and select "Video Publishing" from the dropdown menu.

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